Enterprises restaurants serve three interrelated functions : production of culinary products , implementation and organization of consumption . Catering services - the result of citizens, enterprises and entrepreneurs to meet customer needs in food and leisure activities. Process Service is a set of operations that are carried out performer in direct contact with the consumer services in the implementation of culinary products and leisure . The quality of services must meet the established or anticipated needs of consumers. Services institutions restaurants must comply with safety and environmental purpose and be subject to the requirements of existing regulations . During Customer service should match the type of company and its class. When they have taken into account the requirement of providing ergonomics, ie compliance of hygienic care , anthropometric and physiological needs of consumers. And these requirements provides comfort care. The service provided must comply with aesthetics. Aesthetic harmony characterized by architectural and planning solutions enterprise space , and costs, including the appearance of staff, tableware, decoration and serving culinary products . The consumer must receive a complete, accurate and timely information about the service provided . If you get more information, visit our site: BEST ESSAY CHEAP